Authors: RomaParikh, EscharSorek, ShivangParikh, KerenMichael, LiorBikovski, SagiTshori, GalitShefer, DalitBen-Yosef, CarmitLevy

Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) has apologised to Nigerians, especially patients at various government hospitals, over the strike embarked upon by the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors (NARD).
Dr Enema Amodu, the chairman of the NMA’s Federal Capital Territory (FCT) chapter, made the plea on Sunday in Abuja while addressing journalists over the NARD strike.
According to him, the association is sorry and wishes to apologize to Nigerians for the action.
The resident doctors embarked on strike on April 1 to press home their demand for an upward review of their N5000 hazard allowance, and payment of the outstanding COVID-19 inducement allowance, among others.