The average physician is an advocate of vaccination, which may be simplified as a process where altered or copy of an offending microbe is introduced into the body in other to build an effective immune response.
Vaccination has contributed immensely to successes achieved in public health after portable water, however despite its benefits it is often initially resisted especially from conspiracy theorist and vaccine antagonist influencing vaccine hesitancy.
Nations experienced the devastating effects of COVID 19, the world raced to find a suitable vaccine to help steer up a competent immune system at the least possible time frame.
One of these products is no other than the Oxford – AstraZeneca COVID vaccine.
The Federal government has been commended for enhancing its delivery to Nigeria and many are continuously inoculated on a daily basis with almost negligible side effects.
Dr. Ngong (Dr N.C) from The National Hospital Abuja was the first vaccinated person in Nigeria and he is still of a sound mind.
Our Monthly news e-bulletin (MNB) had a chat with him. Click Here to read the entire bulletin.